Response to a letter I received from Duke Energy
From a letter Duke Energy that pretty said could possibly raise the rate of cost to heat ones home is justified based on Duke Energy's notion of more use equates higher prices when that is the basis of anything a new power company says after they bought out previous companies territory.
I guess all power companies in the end are nothing but filthy blood suckers gouging from your house instead of putting energy and warmth into your home. Combining Cinergy with Dukes creates one giant vampire swooping down over the tristate with a black vale sucking the money from peoples wallets laughing into the night flying back to their secret lair of doom
Then I read in the letter they are talking the use of coal. Coal. Are we in the dark ages? I thought higher fuel prices were due in part of the crisis in the gulf. I apologize for my sudden ignorance on fuel efficiency and sources of power, but exactly what are the facts?
I'm not an expert on these matters but I feel a lack of consistency here. I feel it is the media part to investigate this before those in power agree to these shenanigans and price gouge citizens and lower income with these frivolous rate hikes that wasn't high before Duke Energy stepped into the picture. The rule of common sense usually by use you are charged accordingly and the money you receive covers your costs of energy output thus allowing you to stay in business, and pay salaries of employees and your posh swanky lifestyle including funding further expansion pursuits.
Your ideology of taking more then you are willing to give says that Vampires have more scruples and values then you do. Again I thought We were using nuclear power like the rest of the world. I thought 2006 most people would be living in the 21 st century. Thanks to Duke we may be just back to the dark ages.
Thankfully? Somebody could drive a stake through their greedy and archaic hearts and put an end to Dukes Vampiric empire.