Tony Tost Invisible Bride Review

Review of Invisible Bride: Poems/ tony Tost (Walt Whitman Award)
Incredibly haunting and absurd, just how I like poetry, I recomend this book to anyone.I must say I read a lot of poetry in the last two months and this is the most memorable one, of them all. I can't understand why most poetry books are so banal and boring.
why does poetry have to be a drudgery? why does poetry have to be a such a pain in the ass?It just seems too academic to say anthything came out of anyones heart. Reading these other poems, make me hate poetry. But thankfully, Tony Tost reminds me how wonderful a poem can be and should be. I'm not going into a play by play on why and how this book is good. I'm leaving that to some academic fuck wad, who is writing his required thesis.I just like it and I think you would too.
posted Monday, 5 December 2005
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