TA Ta for now
just writing a listening to kraftwerk. I love KraftWerk
better then most techno bands
New home for Controlled by Bees Video Artist and Writer This is a place for Rants and postings of interest. Mostly crazy, sometimes Political, sometimes poorly written reviews of books movies and anything social commentary I must speak about.
Well it looks like there edging even forward to getting osama bin laden especially after reports I've been hearing lately. I hear this war on terrorism has gone even more sour and reports from Bushes own party are saying the same thing. Guess its time to save this damn thing for his own people?
With George Bush in Pakistan talking solidarity and commitment with fighting terrorism. It causes me to think now they are just now looking for Bin Laden, Just in time for November elections.
Not much happening here just writing reading Camus William Carlos williams Bukowski and thats it really. trying to keep fit and doing my best to convince the cat that I am worth while. I never met a cat that was so afraid of me, nor a cat that never Purs. there is something with This cat with the duimbest name ever. Sweet Pea. Yuck!!
Okay as you may know awhile back ago on march 3rd 2006 I predicted gas prices was going to drop, by november. when I said that I was hoping I was going to see signs of this, after I made this statement. I even went as far as 1.65 per gallon. Well so far gas prices are now going down and may even go even further to .99 cents. I heard on CNBC.