Friday, September 29, 2006

TA Ta for now

just writing a listening to kraftwerk. I love KraftWerk

better then most techno bands

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ahhh Hah!!!

Well it looks like there edging even forward to getting osama bin laden especially after reports I've been hearing lately. I hear this war on terrorism has gone even more sour and reports from Bushes own party are saying the same thing. Guess its time to save this damn thing for his own people?

Just in time for Holloween thanksgiving and Christmas. yes I know I'm not making sense or am I? this is what the Republicans need to keep the control it needs to keep this war going. Thats why they waited this long. They were going to wait no matter how long. and yet they didn't Expect this to go that long. They were hoping like the first gulf war they were just going to give up and surrender like the first time just like most americans did.

Five years later that didn't happen and thats why there just now going after Osama now. he was the final straw the safety net if all goes wrong. I wouldn't be shocked if a man who is hooked on Dialysis was getting medical aid from an american pharmaceutical company with no questions, asked as to needs this machine. God I love Conspiracy theories whether they are true or not. This war has run out of steam. and Republicans need this man to still be alive for when they make that Bold Capture the war on terrorism isn't over because we don't have control of the oil yet.

and when that happens maybe the boys from Exxon BP and the other parasites who all land on aircraft carrrier and boldly take off their helmets and say Mission Accomplished

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Bush Pakistan Bin Laden Come November

With George Bush in Pakistan talking solidarity and commitment with fighting terrorism. It causes me to think now they are just now looking for Bin Laden, Just in time for November elections.

Just like the oil prices are going down. just an observation small of course don't need to go all day about this either. so if he is caught sometime by middle of october you can bet thats an angle they may go for.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006



Buk' Wild



Sweet Pea

Not much happening here just writing reading Camus William Carlos williams Bukowski and thats it really. trying to keep fit and doing my best to convince the cat that I am worth while. I never met a cat that was so afraid of me, nor a cat that never Purs. there is something with This cat with the duimbest name ever. Sweet Pea. Yuck!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My predictions came true

Okay as you may know awhile back ago on march 3rd 2006 I predicted gas prices was going to drop, by november. when I said that I was hoping I was going to see signs of this, after I made this statement. I even went as far as 1.65 per gallon. Well so far gas prices are now going down and may even go even further to .99 cents. I heard on CNBC.

Talk about Crazy. I guess the shit is going to hit the fan but in a different way e ven so far as a corporate shake down of the captains of Industry. this is another Crazy prediction I have. I believe people will finally see this war was Shit to begin with. People are already saying democrats will retakethe house and senate. retard pundants like Tucker Carlson even say democrates will most likely try needlessly to prosecute those in power. Well if your in power and obviously abuse it to the hilt. I say you get what put into it. Greed will catch up with you.

More on this later