Thursday, September 07, 2006

My predictions came true

Okay as you may know awhile back ago on march 3rd 2006 I predicted gas prices was going to drop, by november. when I said that I was hoping I was going to see signs of this, after I made this statement. I even went as far as 1.65 per gallon. Well so far gas prices are now going down and may even go even further to .99 cents. I heard on CNBC.

Talk about Crazy. I guess the shit is going to hit the fan but in a different way e ven so far as a corporate shake down of the captains of Industry. this is another Crazy prediction I have. I believe people will finally see this war was Shit to begin with. People are already saying democrats will retakethe house and senate. retard pundants like Tucker Carlson even say democrates will most likely try needlessly to prosecute those in power. Well if your in power and obviously abuse it to the hilt. I say you get what put into it. Greed will catch up with you.

More on this later


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