Monday, November 13, 2006

And yet Another Dream about Bees

Living in my new Apartment I'vebeen having Wild and crazy dreams. vivid and scarey and sometimes remarkable. and when I wake up my chest is pounding and I think I'm having a heart attack. today I thought this was it I'm dying. so If I die in my sleep You know why.

and yet I can't be having a heat attack because I just had sex and I hear you drop dead after sex if your ticker is bad.

so anyway my dream was such a weird and wonderful hyperboil, non stop cacaphony of images flying by. within the maelstrom I was going up this ramp only to be interupted by a school of Gold Fish and a swarm of large bees, some three inches long, both just whizzing as if at an intersection. and thats all I can remember. when I woke up I could hear my heart pounding in my ear and my chest was thumping, and I began to take deep breathes. it was terrifying to say the least. I can guess that its because I drank so much ice coffee before I went to bed. but whats funny

I didnt get any of the benefits of alertness as I drank it, thats why I had so many glasses. I was falling assleep and couldn't stay awake. so I don't understand what happen.

Not sure if this means anything or not, the Bee omen this time. but good things are a foot so who knows, wait and see.


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