Friday, May 19, 2006

Bad News, Good News

Bad News, Good News and then there is Katrina.

BAD News

My Grandma died yesterday and the visitation is tomorrow. we weren't terribly close but watch me ball like a baby. I hate funerals they always seem to capture you looking your worst.
I remember going to my friend Ricks Funeral I remember they way he used to look youthful and bared a striking resemblance to Rick Ocasek of The Cars, which Mr Ocasek is famous for resembling Mr Spock from Star Trek. besides being in The Cars. But thats not what Rick looked like. sadly He appearded more and more like George Burns with a comb over hair piece. Rick had always had a full head of hair. but after Shooting himself in the head, I can only think about the damage when they found his body.
Funerals are Creepy. I mean Creepy. I understand the Ritual but I'm afraid the ritual really is only for the living.
Good Newssometime tomorrow or this week my poetry will be
published on One legged Cow Press

it is entitled 4 AM Writings A 17 page manuscipt the last one called A letter Never Sent is guanteed to make you laugh


The devistation I saw on tv was a little overwelming for jaded guy like myself. I find myself getting more and more squeemish about death and destruction as i get older. I guess I atribute this to feeling more vulnerable to the elements handed down from up on high.
I could not believe how they could delay such Releif and medical aid in a time like this, You can't be cheering for something negative to happen to make the republicans look bad or any politician.
this isn't the right time. and to make matters much worse they are ready to shoot people for looting. to be honest If I had stayed I would be doing the same thing. In situations like this you get desperate. Not everybody listens, not everybody watches the news, and I guess nobody watches the news in New Orleans? And even the ones who did make it out are suffering just as badly in a stadium with out medical care food or adequite living conditions. Say what you want. I'm reiterating what someone else said. "You can go save indonesia and india with all the help you got but you can't help New Orleans?
I don't want to join the band wagon of bush bashing, at least not publicly because he's going to have plenty more if not already, and what I said is an understatement.
And I lied George Bush Sucks
Good news Again, I am writing another manuscript. One Poem is called Polaroid Tarot. I think it's a work of genius

The Bad News. I'm not the only one who thought of Creating a Tarot Deck using polaroid Pictures. Well My idea is better though. but as far I know there isn't an ofical Deck. I'm not looking to create the official deck. Mine is more of a monolog about my version of a Polaroid Tarot Deck.

posted Friday, 2 September 2005


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