Davinci Code Review

What I want to say that this bring out the Art historian in me, since I took three years of of it at NKU. First off what I learn 15 years ago the story of mary magdalene was pretty much not a secret she is believed to have lived there during her old age living in a cave. This is a long held belief by lots of people in France. The picture above is a statue of her
The Penitent Magdalene 1453-55
Wood with polychromy
and goldHeight 188 cm
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Florence
Qouting from Wikipedia
"The French tradition of Saint Lazare of Bethany is that Mary, her brother Lazarus, and Maximinus, one of the Seventy-Two Apostles and some companions, expelled by persecutions from the Holy Land, traversed the Mediterranean in a frail boat with neither rudder nor mast and landed at the place called Sainte Marie-de-Mer near Arles.
Mary Magdalene came to Marseille and converted the whole of Provence. Magdalene is said to have retired to a cave on a hill by Marseille, La Sainte-Baume ("holy cave", baumo in Provencal), where she gave herself up to a life of penance for thirty years. When the time of her death arrived she was carried by angels to Aix and into the oratory of Saint Maximinus, where she received the viaticum; her body was then laid in an oratory constructed by St. Maximinus at Villa Lata, afterwards called St. Maximin."
So my point is all this crap about the movie is rediculous. it was a good movie and maybe the book is also, but since I learned about this years ago I never read it, so the movie did just fine.
I liked it. It kept my attention. My only complaint is that the this so called Secret is a bit misleading. But who cares it's a film? I guess They wanted to make it as Sexy as possible. I just wished they included this image into the mix of mary but I guess they were kind of stuck on the whole Davinci Thing, which is fine. over all I think you will enjoy this movie as I did. I left feeling Entertained and that is it. My wife and I enjoyed ourselves very much It was a satifying experience.
Ron Howard makes films with a masterful hand, and I like Tom hanks very much. I will say I had to get used to his hair do in the movie though. and always Sir Ian Mckellen is a scene stealer and was the best character in the whole film.
whats really weird is all these Uber Creepy Book The Diet Code
which I found at at Barnes and Noble
DESCRIPTION: As a master baker, painter, and woodworker, Stephen Lanzalotta has used the mathematical principles of The Golden Ratio (an integral plot element in The Da Vinci Code)
for more than 30 years. His realization that this seemingly magic formula, once used by Da Vinci, held the secret to optimal health and weight loss led him to apply it to his menu at his popular bakery/café. Thus was born THE DIET CODE, a revolutionary Mediterranean-style program that makes each meal as easy as 1-2-3 (1 part grain, 2 parts protein, 3 parts vegetable/fruit), to boost metabolism and spark weight loss.
The plan reveals Renaissance foods that promote weight control and includes unique tips for diet success, including: * Eat bread--but not without fat or protein * Cook pasta al dente to boost fat loss * Balance your plate by The Golden Ratio of carbs, protein, and fat. Combining menu plans and recipes, as well as Renaissance lore and Italian tips on healthy eating, this is a unique diet plan from the ages for the ages.
I don't think Obesity was a problem in the renaisance period. I think starvation and poverty was. in fact fat woman were considered Sexy. I don't think Davinci was the Richard Simmons of his time.
Then there is the Davinci Method
Book Description:
Break Out & Express Your Fire. Discover and master the fiery temperament shared by great leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and AD/HD-ers. Are you: - Impulsive? - Risk-taking? - Distractible? - Sensation-seeking? - Insightful or Intuitive? Do you: - Crave risk and excitement? - Have an addictive personality? - Rebel against authority? - Think differently?
Then you are a DaVinci. Discover the secret genius that drives risk-takers, rebels, entrepreneurs, artists and ad/hd-ers to achieve greatness. Learn how to express this fire and harness it productively.
this is the craziest of all. no one is a davinci or can even be davinci and this writer would have two be able to create masterful artworks himself and draw futuristic air craft or adavance our knowledge of the human body by being the first person to study dead bodies and illustrate and catalog our inner working mechanisms, and do so illegally, then maybe This writer could publish a book on how we all could be a genius.
I guess the Art historian in me felt the pressing need to say this because Leonardo isn't here to speak on his own behalf. then again I'm sure Scholars andd academics do a better job of this then I do.
So I'm done with my two cents. now fuck off
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