40 year old Virgin Review / Christmas Sucks

Review of 40 year old virgin
Every guy should watch this movie, and maybe if you want to get rid of your virginity sooner than 40 then you might want to get rid of all your fucking toys and man dolls... or action figures. I always tried to keep my geekdom down to a minimum myself. thankfully I never ended up like the character Andy
this movie was hands down funny, especially the chest waxing scene, and the scene wear he was riding home with that one girl who threw up in his face.
in fact the whole thing was funny. and the ending was quite hilarious too. I highly recomend this movie to virgins and non virgins alike
posted Monday, 26 December 2005
Christmas Sucks
today was the worst aspect about christmas, i didn't want to go to my parents house, because its the most depressing thing to do, my dads always a drunken idiot and he never was a good one anyway.
Ny nephew Tj is always begging to spend the night at my house, and when he does. he breaks something which is so annoying. and he's bored all the time, and I wonder why a kid is always that bored, and why he would want to come to my house, because I'm not mr excitement.
so today he was telling how much he hated me and that he was going to kill me.
So yes I had a Sucky christmas.
I did see 40 year old virgin. Great movie!!
posted Monday, 26 December 2005
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