Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Ring 2 Review

Okay It was my birthday I'm 35. Horayyyyy!!!

Today I saw Ring Two, Although there was some cool things. Pretty much I found it to be very dull and slow moving. for the life of me I can't understand why Sequels are made, Except to make money, I can understand the whole "We Need Closure" aspect to movies. People need answers and aproriate endings. Not me I feel otherwise, I don't need these things. Because I like to be kept guessing, and talking about the film for days. But the acception to this is Crappy movies like Jeepers Creepers or Boogy Man, where the movie has no charm to the entity that is creating such Havoc, Phenomenon or Peril, Then I want to know what the Fuck I just watched.
I recomend this movie for Rental Only. I wasn't moved, Creeped out or intriqued enough to add to one of my favorites movie lists. This pales in comparrison to the first Ring. I seemed to watch that one at least ten times I think. Its one of those I can watch again and again. So don't waste your money in the theatre. Just Rent It, You'll thank me for it.

After the Movie My wife and I went to AppleBees which was a total mistake. I hate the Jock Atmosphere people watching Sports on wide screen tvs, and then Screaming for the home team. I hate Sports and I think anyone who wastes there time on sports is nothing but a Slow witted Wannabe Jock Zombie. Your not good for anything. I hate You I hate You, I hate You... and I hate You.

Another Gripe I've noticed that the Abortion Fetuses that destroyed the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Are destroying yet another horror Classic The Amityville Horror. I'll make sure I don't see that one.

Rob Zombie has another movie coming out. I don't know whats worse Rob Zombie Making movies, or the fact the movie is being Distrubuted by Lyons Gate Films. also as I was watching movies previews. it looks as if Wes Craven has Moved on to other subject matter for his movies. maybe He's reading actual Scripts. I say this Because his story development needs a lot of work. The Movie Red Eye might be something I could watch.... Maybe.

posted Sunday, 20 March 2005


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