Monday, May 15, 2006

updates / Mule Skinners Blues

I've been working my current project Visual Anomalies for the M Gallery, I'm glad to say that I think its coming along nicely. I guess at first I'm always insecure of what it looks like in its rawest stages. Which this is something I should stop doing. No judgements just work on it until its done. I guess I don't work well with criticisms. I remember last year I was working on my project Possible Werks. basically I was dubbing a mini dv onto a vhs tape. and this guy comes up to the dubbing rack and looks at the images, which I wasn't too happy about, he makes the comment."What is that? It looks like out of Focus Light."
God I was so Fucking mad, and yet I still managed to stay civil"Well first of all i just got started You can hardly the point out flaws when it's no where near finished " After that, he had didn't respond only walking away and nodding. A couple minutes later I was telling my wife about the Snyde comment. I guess I was madder than I thought because I kept Saying "Out of focus light" Over and over, and then saying it a bit louder so he could hear me. I guess I was looking for a fight.
Silly Bastard I am. Well despite that, plus a bad exhibition, plus a bad review from a newspaper. That Same piece played at a Electronic Arts Festival in France.Could I be in the Wrong Country or what?anyway The Visual Annomalies is coming along fine. and I hope that this exhibition will be a positive experience for me.

Change of subject I saw Napoleon Dynamite. God that that Was So Fucking Funny, I couldn't believe how crazy this movie was. Everybody I know was telling me to see it, but I put it off for the longest time, until My nephews told me to see it.To be honest I didn't want to see it because I hate movies about teenagers and high school. First of all I'll be 35 this month, and I don't have the Teenie Bopper mantality. Some people can't let go of that, because high school was the best years of your life, so they say.
I disagree. Right now I don't feel life is exciting, and yet sometimes I feel I'm standing on the cusp and I'm looking down.Getting off topic Jesus!!! Napoleon Dynamite Wasn't like most movies thats been churned out from the media giants that think they know what we want. People want movies that are honest, genuine and lots of warmth. This movie breathes a life where all other movies about being a kid is a suffocating experience.
I feel so sorry for kids today, with the crap they have to see and the music thats being spewed at them on a regular basis. Instead of rebellion they get reality tv shows about Jessica simpson and music where nobody sings and everyone has to wear Old Navy (Old Gravy) Now, whats considered to be punk is just a teeny Bopper experience. I think somehow somebody said hey lets market to 12 year old girls and brainwash them to being submissive Republican soccer moms. and thats the problem with the entertainment industry now.

They see this as the Age of the Twelve year old, where role models are other Twelve year olds. When I was 12 through 14 I wanted to be an adult because being a kid sucks, Why would I want to be like another kid? Napoleon Dynomite reminds me how much it sucks to be a kid. But whats really funny My wife told me that Napolean looks like a friend of mine. the facial feature the voice and the hair is eriely similar. But in diffense My friend is not a big dork. My friend is quite intelligent and I won't say his name because I don't want to hurt his feelings. As much as these comments about my friend infuriates me, I cannot deny the similiarities. I recomend Napoleon Dynamite. Even though it was released 2004 It's the best movie I've seen this year.

I saw mule skinner blues last night and I recomend it to anybody, You'll love Beanie Andrew as the mastermind and Ringleader behind the whole magic. Now I've read a lot of reviews of this film. Despite comments that seem insulting. no one can deny the impact of Beanie Andrew on a entire trailor park community.The results is a film completed using resources from friends and people who dare to dream.

posted Tuesday, 1 March 2005


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