Tuesday, May 16, 2006


What is Shocking anyway???????

I got this email today from this religious video production company they sent url for their video sample, and they wanted to know what I thought. Sadly I have a crappy computer and was not able to see it. And yet I gave my opnion on religious entertainment as a whole. read for your self.

Dimension 547 is my first short using Actors. You can watch it at http://www.divinelightproductions.org/Dimension547.htm

Please let me know what you think? I really appreciate your feedback. ThanksDave Holt Divine Light Productions

My response.
Well I saw your website since thats all I saw,
I understand if you are religious, you are a person, and You too also need entertainment. But I can't see how Centemporary Christian Culture which emuliates and not innovates Could be considered Edgy and weird, when it has to be safe enough that a church person can watch it. Wheres the Art in that? I find the idea of Christian Punk or metal or even goth kind of silly. and most of the stuff I've heard very Misleading. and the Movie Left behind was so boring, I mean wow talk about a yawn Festival
In my work I don't make a point to make short films Rock Video or movies. I make video collages for Art Galleries and Concerts. And I always make a point to be different then the rest of the herd. last concert i made a video piece for. there was this band showing pills on the screen. I guess they thought thry were being edgy. they were a good band but fake in my opinion. Each band that night seemed to have they're own video display
Since I don't do drugs myself. The band I made a video dispaly for, I had stuff like micro organisms clocks mixed together, and I would write stupid stuff like. Legalize Shampoo or Legalize The secret sauce. I did this since I don't want to compete with anybody. Also I wanted to be Silly.
Next thing I'd like to say I aplaud anybody who creates a production company and has a vision. even though I don't agree with that vision, and I say Vision lightly because it sounds Shmaltzy. I think most people should realize Controversy and edgy entertainment is overated so they should not focus on Shock value. Why? Because All the taboos have been broken in Cinema... Sadly by John Waters. You want to see an Art Film? Go see Pink Flamingo's. Go See the Documentary Sick About Bob Flanigan he was an S&M performance artist who was the longest person ever to live with Cystic Fibrosis. This movie was gut wrenching, and yet haunting at the same time.
You might think I'm picking on you. But I would tell the same thing to some Satanist who sent me an email about his idea. and in fact I have. some Gothic Dork emailed wanting to send me a disc for my video projects, unless I thought the music was too Shocking for me. His website had samples and picture with a nun with no underwear with her legs spread open. I listened to his Crappy Sample and said politely it's not my style.
Then He writes back was it too Edgy for you? being the bigger Creep than he was, I wrote back. Nothing Shocks me!!!if I saw that Nun spread like that. I would lick her up and down until she creamed all over my face.
of course he didn't write back.
As best I could I wrote you back without trying to be such a bastard. If it works for you and you get sucess. I wish the best of luck. Because We All need it. Even though it worked for Mel Gibson I personally thought it depressing and overkill. But this is yesterdays news.
Like I said Keep going.

posted Friday, 13 May 2005


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