Saturday, May 20, 2006

The Sony Corporation is Greedy

I've noticed that Sony is trying to lead the pack in putting a stop to people who Burn CD's by creating technology that's stops your computer from making copies of Music CD's.
The are experimenting with the Rock Group Velevet Revolver's latest album Contraband. they are using something on the cd that only allows you to burn the singles on the album. Which in my opinion sucks. Also in my opinion most music out now a days isn't even worth listening too. When I burn CD's from the library It's very rare It's a new album from some New Band.

I can't think of a band I like thats new. Accept the Gorillaz ot anything from John Frusciante.
Heres also a tip for anyone buying CDR's. Don't buy CDR's from Sony. They are very faulty and most of them don't play on my stereo. It's so Hipocritical for Sony to make CDR's for people to buy, but the CD burn in question is Ify on what stereo you can play it on.

So far Imation Maxxell and Memorex is the only CDR Burners that I find Reliable.
I can see the corporate greed of the Entertainment industry going all out to put a stop to this Cd burning. I wouldn't doubt it if they try to shut down Libraries or even tried to prosecute individuals from making copies.

if Lars Alrich from Metallicunts can go after people who down loaded music from Napster, then there is no telling what the Industry has up It's Sleaves.
if music wasn't so Fucking rediculous on it's prices I think Less and Less people would burn CD's and actually buy more more music,and actually support the bands. which I'm sorry have become more and more Greedy. I hate half the bands who sell out almost on a daily basis. there was a time when It was shameful to do comercials, now its Chic. it's Chic to be corporate. it's Chic to conform, and your a loser to be Different.

Nobody is pushing the envelope anymore. nobody is pushing the buttons. No one is creating anything anymore. Just product after product.
So I have no qualms about burning CD's, and I think everyone should do the same.

posted Monday, 19 September 2005


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