Thursday Afternoon
"Mistaken Memories Of Mediaeval Manhattan
Watching Brian Eno’s Experimental films very slow moving and I’ve read reviews
Where his fans complain how Slow it is but show their ignorance. This is meant to be seen in an art gallery on multiple screens and not at home. People don’t understand video art. At base art gallery I used to get this guy always hounding about my video stuff and kept asking me What does it all mean? I really felt sory for the guy, until he never stopped asking what does it all mean. For something that is created by accidents glitches and video mistakes it really is hard to explain yourself. Nobody understands you if it came from the ethers or the well spring of creativity they don’t understand that.
They only understand "well I got high one day and I made this" Getting High is an interesting Cop Out and easily digestable and safe to say my work is drug imspired. When it actually isn’t
and funny some people mainly stoners don't believe me if I tell them I wasn't high.
when I see Thursday afternoon I can see the slow moving is purely calculated it may not have some serious digestable significance that an art buyer, collector, or usurper can grasp onto but will have meaning in pure essence of "creartivity" and will make sense on an unconscious level. If we could take the snobbery and over intellectualization of Art then maybe
We all can have a better understanding that Art Comes from inside of All and not in the class room or the Fecal matter of an art proffessors musings, text book chitter chatter
That is so dull.
This to me is the Rape of Art. Art is Us. Its everything. I guess I’m going off on a tangent here is because I thought I wasn’t going to like the videos and yet I did
More Required Reading
Hell’s Angels A Strange and Terrible Saga by Hunter S. Thompson. I’m halfway through and its absorbing if I can focus on it. To much computer problems. Now fixed.
Got into a Fight with the manager at Pizza Hut, I’m fighting everybody lately. Pizza Hut is on my permanent ban list. They guys are so fucked up I’ll never go there again. How does a guy take your order doesn’t write it down, an hour goes by. He brings a burnt pizza that we didn’t even order, and it was cold. Burnt Cold Pizza. And believe me the free Pizza wasn’t like make up Sex. It was quick and tasteless with no love in it.
Looked over my Novel its looks good finally got it back onto my computer
More later
New Word Creartivity