Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving Gone Wrong

the day was fine until the end, I got into a fight with my dad and finally told him off, which is something I've never done before. And I must say its been a long time coming. Somewhere down the line collectively my brothers and I lost the fear and respect of him because of the way he treats my mom with his mistress and his snazzy new log cabin house while my mom wonders how the heat is going to be paid, with the foundation of her house slowly sinking lower and lower.

my younger brother and I were arguing about a suspected rumor about him which is no big deal really, but he is in denial and is embarrassed about something he did almost ten years ago. My Dad tried to stop the argument and began poking me and play slapping me in the face. I didn't like so i told him to mind his own business , and yet it was the,

"You better go Sit down old man" that got to him. I was kicked out of the house and banished for life it was really bad I thought my brother Robby wanted to kill him. needless to say the whole thing was terrifying and my father revealed to me his most selfish side. He somehow has justified in his mind his mistress. he has justified everything and is okay with selfish behavior and keeping my mom in limbo of when he will stay for good or not

I have never hated him more then I have right now, and yet it is more pity then anything else. the nelgect I felt as a child cannot nmeasure the pain and torture he has put on my mother these last few years. he is an awful man self asorbed and justified to actually feel any guilt. I am convinced he thrives on such action.

he has never heard me Spell it out to him. and I did and later on heard that he is beside himself. not sure if its my older brother or me. either way. I feel like I just got something off my chest that needed to be said. I can't believe I did, and yet the words flew out of my mouth.

Go Sit down old man, You never done nothing for me, so why do I have shut up? Go sit down old man go sit down old man go sit down old man. this mantra was my knife and I stabbed and stabbed. Go Sit down old man.


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