Tuesday, May 16, 2006

CNN Sucks Nancy Grace sucks Wacko Jacko's Dick

This one made a lot of enemies

CNN Sucks!!! Nancy Grace Sucks Wacko Jacko's Dick!!!

if your going to waste tax dollars on trying to convict a famous person then you better have a beyond the shadow of a doubt Evidence that He did have sex with children, Also get him on something like kiddie porn, anything. but I guess this doesn't matter. maybe next time.
I agree with the Juror Hulton, I believe he did molest children at one time, maybe with this Gavin kid, But You didn't have enough evidence.
What Pisses me off is that every person from all the Witnesses to the experts to the tv Commentators about this are the Scum of the Earth.
I hate nancy Grace, and all her crap, i think she is as Scummy as mr. Jackson himself. She so busy pointy fingers at him with glee that she cannot be ojective about anything. and then she's on CNN acting like a journalist, and she isn't. She doesn't report the news, she's never been to Afganistan.
She's just this stupid bitch commenting on sleazy court Cases. I think she is just as perverted and sleazy as the topics she discusses.
I think she is sex obsessed, I think she loves the Cock, maybe she has fantasies about going down on Jane Velez Mitchells hairy muff, maybe having a daisy chain with Diane Dimond, jane Valez mitchell... okay... okay enough...I wish Ted Turner Would come back, and return CNN back to its former glory, or at least a more dignified stature.
posted Wednesday, 15 June 2005

Tracy made this comment,

It appears that YOU are the one obsessed. Obsessed with Nancy Grace. What does her journalism have to do with Afghanistan? How laughable! And how does one become a "bitch" by commenting on court cases? If you would actually put a little logic and intellect behind your comments, they might be taken more seriously. At least public figures like Nancy Grace are attempting to make changes for victims of violent crimes. Maybe you would have a different outlook if YOU were someone who lost a loved one to violence. But until you (God forbid) are, it may be in your best interest to do a little less judging and a little more for those less fortunate than yourself. Good Night Friend.

comment added :: 28th June 2005, 02:07 GMT

Frank Fathom made this comment,

looks like I pissed off one of Nancy Graces Friends. good. protecting victims families is one thing but doing it for your own benifit and glory is another.
She is not a journalist never was, and does not deserve to be hosting TV show in the guise of a news program. Thats the distinction I make about her not being in Afghanistan. She's not a Journalist. if you don't undertstand that. Your a retard.
I remeber when thst stupid Bitch The Run Away bride left town not telling anyone.
And Stupid Bitch Grace was trying to get the supposed victims family to cry on Tv by saying things to cause a tear jerking momement. She said to Googie Eye Girls Dad
"Father My mom and dad came up to see me, and I was wondering how does it feel knowing you may never see your little girl again?
At that point he is supposed to cry. Then when talking to the minister who was going to perform the wedding Ceremony She kept refering to him as "Preacher? Preacher?"
She kept sayin this over and over. Not that the whole embarrassing thing is all over. Nancy Grace and all the other Idiots on TV can't seem to get the Egg off their faces.
She and and evreryone else had her already dead killed kidnapped raped and dismembered, and fail to find out more about his Crazy Psychotic Bitch.
I'm sorry Your such a big fan and feel she is doing such a good job. But I beg to differ. She takes news and goes with it and spins it with her opinion. She is not a Journalist!!!!! So Suck My dick you stpuid Bitch

comment added :: 28th June 2005, 08:50 GMT

JUSTICElady made this comment,

To the CNN sucker!
You are one more inmature stupid sucker. Nancy Grace would not even want you to like her. Go somewhere and get a life. (like in a cardboard box)

comment added :: 17th July 2005, 22:30 GMT


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