Mondo Generator

Mondo Generater
Listening to Mondo Generator, with Nick Oliveri I have mixed feelings about it, after his bitching about The Queens of the Stone being dead i say he is dead wrong. I'm not saying Queens is better off without him, I'm just saying he is obviously bitter and I guess he should be. Modo Generater is a Good Band. But Queens of the Stone Age Rules!!!
I've been watching a lot of J Horror, Mostly Cheesy stuff NightMare and One Missed Call Our friends from the east needs to come up with something else these movies are one bad copy of another. having said that. I have been getting real jumpy lately, with phone stuff, and I have been having Ringu nightmares
Accept my creepy long haired girl whose facee you can't see is blond and she is in a Ditch for some reason.
posted Tuesday, 20 September 2005
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