Tuesday, May 16, 2006

some reviews

Had a little break from blogging, going to the gym

watching movies and so fourthSaw the movie Little OtikIn this bizarre fantasy from Czechoslovakia, an ordinary couple, Karel and Bozena, are unable to conceive a child. When Karel digs up a tree root and whittles something vaguely resembling a human baby, Bozena's strong maternal longings transform the stump into a living creature … with a monstrous appetite that can't be met by baby's formula!despite some cheesey special effects I thought the story was half way decent. I liked some of the animation and the humor that went into it. The Pope Died Saturday I think. Not a big fan of the Pope. I find it to be religion at the height of Arrogance. whats really to admire?

posted Monday, 4 April 2005

Guinea Pig Review

God this was the Dumbest Japanese Flick I have ever seen. Even in the cheesiest films there was always an unending Charm that always kept me coming back for more.
yes this was a slasher movie and yes I haven't seen one in a long time. but watching some guy abduct a poor hapless nameless girl who never says anything. and then decapitates her body piece by piece was so boring. Why was he wearing this Shogun hat? why were his teeth blackened out? I never found out because there really wasn't a story here. Why were different colored lights used As each body part he demembered?What was the point?
Thankfully this piece of shit wasn't very long, at the very end when all her body parts had been slowly takened apart. We find our pseudo maniac sitting in the middle of the room smoking while he basks in the glory, even going so far as to Wax poeticly about Flesh and blood. then we are taken further into his lair. LOL
And thats It. End of Movie... If you can call it that. So Please avoid this movie at all costs. even if you are looking for a slasher movie don't be desperate enough to get this Stink Bomb.

posted Thursday, 31 March 2005


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