Monday, May 15, 2006

Review of Open Water

I've noticed that people have refered to this as the next generations Jaws or the blair witch version of Jaws or some silly shit like that.Well being based on a true story how do they know who died first or the fact the girl died by giving up at the end. of course this small buget film is loosely based on a factual story. For me this movie failed in so many ways. I had problems with the filming. Most agravating one. Toooo many Closeup shots. If your filming somewhere in tropical places or any locations with tons of good shots you can play with, then by God take advantage of all the surroundings. Also Don't film so close to the subject in question. which this is a problem I had with the movie Troy.
seemingly this movie had a Great budget and lots of great film sets but the film maker failed to utilize Wide Screen Shots to capture a sense of wonder that was Ancient Greece.more pet peeves with Open Water.Instead of feeling trapped in the ocean with these people, and instead of feeling for these people. I hated them, because they made feel trapped in a movie with understated emotions. To Be Silly here, not even the motion of the ocean could give these people emotions... Bad Pun I know. But You got to believe me when I say Chemistry was very absent here.
Esecially when these three wonderfuls words are uttered. " I love You" I didn't feel it. there was no show of emotions when Her husband died and she then gives up. Why??? She wasn't a strong character to begin with, therefore I didn't feel her loss, if she truly felt anything. Instead I was feeling the relief of her dying and the credits finally rollling.And the credits for crying out loud. Am I supposed to feel better seeing fishermen gutting a dead shark? There was a feeble attempt to show some resemblance of an actual relationship when they were arguing about her wanting to go on a Ski Trip.
Boy You'd think if they had thought of yelling for a boat when one was near by, they wouldn't be yelling at each other which probably drew the sharks attention anyway. In fact they had two chances. Instead they where quietly talking amongst themselves and waving at the boat.

Duh!!!!!!!More Filming problems. I don't know if this is a new trend, but I have been noticing the smallest problem when filming near Any body of Water, and that is water tends to splash the camera, then drips across the lens. Am I the only person this bothers?I could remember a time when movies with tropical storms or sharks or any kind of disaster theme you can think of, and you don't notice camera's being pelted with Fucking Water. The film JAWS comes to mind? Learn to film Asshole!!!My next rant is this I want this God Aweful Fad of Micro Films hitting The Big Screen. Like Blair Witch, Open Water, You name it.
Stop Doing this Now!!!

To be fair I think films can be shot on video. 28 days later has shown me that. Which by the way Was Fucking Brilliant, and I won't stop singing the praises until I die. I'm tired of these Phoney Realism that people expect from Films. From both Small to large budget movies I just want to be entertained. Movies are so damned expensive to see in theatres. Gladly I waited for it to come out on video. movies are Stupid. As I stated earlier I'm tired of these shity Fake Independant movies.
By Retards coming out of Film School. I want to See Real Independant movies that range from that last hundred years until the present. I want to see movies!! Weird movies that Freak Me Out. There are real art films out there, it's just that there are rotting in there Cannisters as we speak. And I'm not talking about B movies which is as valid any other Art form. I'm talking about real Art Films. They are out there but We just don't know about them. And IFC and Sundance haven't done Jack Shit to sending them to us.All we get are Tarantino and Tarantino rips offs, and ocasionally They sneak a chick flick in there, or worse the other night they played a Nightmare on Elm Street. Come On!!!!! This was not an independant film, and if they are going to see it that way, then IFC needs to accept millions of other Horror films as well. You don't show main stream Crap like Elm Street and claim it independant. Wes Craven is a hack which is another Rant for another DayIf you want to be horrified watch anything with joan Rivers on those VH1 shows where they talk about how Fabulous Celebrities are.

posted Sunday, 20 February 2005


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