Broke Back Mountain Review

first of all I have nothing against gay cowboys I'm sure there are and do exist but maybe they weren't really represented here in this film.
I'm sure there are flaming Cowboys out there that can tame the land, punch cows, who is a friend of the Coyote, and able to "Wrastle" and even rip a Bear in half with his own bare hands and still be in good standing with his community, and companions...
now the film although at times poignant... there is a consistency that must be met or flaws in the story need to be improved.
Point one they are Gay Cowboys but they are hearding Sheep?
Point two They do it very Badly, because of having sex and all that not sure how Ennis could just be freezing one minute and the next minute
fucking a dude in the Ass, at least with Jack Twist
you can tell.
Point Three after it's all said done Not sure what Ennis does for a living but Jack Tries to get a job again on Brokeback and fails because he did a bad Job the first time and then Marries a girl and does poorly with farm Equipment, and We never See his Rodeo Skills if any at all
These were the worst Cowboys in the World. If I had a ranch I wouldn't hire them for anything because I would lose livestock
maybe if Clint Eastwood or Eli Wallach from The Good The Bad and The ugly were in it then yeah this would be realistic, maybe not as appealing to a general audience. but Realistic
There was a lot of mumbling here. the movie went on and on and yes eventually when a main character died It still went on and on. perhaps a crying game for Cowboys or sheep herders.
There are some aspects of this movie I thought was OK . But its No Lone Ranger and Tonto.
i wished I put this movie off a bit longer then caving the pressure of going the video store and not finding anything.
I much prefer Brokeback Moutain as told my Bunnies in 30 seconds So enjoy
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