Palm Sunday Review

Ok I just read the last 50 pages today, whats amazing is that I read it in the lobby of a medical office as my wife was getting a check up after Gall bladder surgery. I was sitting in from of the elevator just reading and people watching. which is one of my favorite things to do. I saw a woman walking with two prosthetic legs it was cool. I'm not sure how it works but its cool, then I over some crazy conversations
Its Bleeding because you won't stop talking, if you'd stop talking you wouldn't be bleeding. now stop talking....
I thought this was a wife beating session but it turned out to be a woman with a pink bandage covering her mouth... but wait I was talking about Palm Sunday...
there was some cool stuff, His version of musical Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, which the monster turned to be a 185 pound chicken, incidentily the first victim was a Doberman.
I also learned something about Jack kerouac, aparently towards the end of his life he was an Asshole. he tried to start a fight with Vonneguts son for some odd reason, he refered to his collegue Robert Bole as a Blue Gummed Nigger, and called the Jews the Real Nazi's. which is amazing to say such a thing. there really is no way you can say to defend a guy like that, unless he was testing people or just provoking responses. never the less it's important to note this was toward the end of his life, and as anyone would know about Kerouac, he must have been bitter over the death of his friend Neal Cassiday... And neal was his Muse of a sorts. at least this is my interpretation It's not a defense. because the kerouac of On the Road, is not the Kerouac in
Vonneguts Palm Sunday. This is a bitter man who died of alcoholism. Ironically the next Chapter seguays into the chapter about Celine who claimed to be a nazi simpathizer, and then in a way tries the best parts of celine. i understand this. You admire someone and learn of someones bad ideas about things you can't defend. accept bitterness is the only answer.
To find out for yourself then you need to read this book. Its a Must
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