The Green Butchers

Review of The Green Butchers
The most disturbing and touching film I've seen in a long time, if not the best film I've seen all this year. Of course this is Early. this film is Danish with sub titles. i really can't say much because of the plot
Two men quite their jobs at the butcher shop because the owner is such an asshole, then go about to make seps to open their own. My favorite character is Eigle, who is believed to be brain dead due to a family car accident. then it gets even more bizzare from there.
Get this movie, i couldn't take my eyes from it and I didn't want it to end. I wanted to live with these people or movie to denmark where people are pleasantly strange.
get this movie and you will not regret yourself.
posted Sunday, 22 January 2006
Meeting George Bush
In an unnamed store, this tall black man came up to me smiing as if he knew me. he shakes my hand, and and says hey man,
"I'm going to see President Bush next week."
"Congratulations" Was the only thing I could say, because one I didn't want to embarass the guy if he made a mistake, and he did. Plus I have no poblems with shaking hands with strangers. at the end of our conversation he also Added,
"I'm in the CIA"
posted Sunday, 22 January 2006
Black Jesus Film: Son of Man
Okay I didn't like the last Jesus Film. I feel that Passion of the Christ felt more like Christian S&M Pornography. and I feel that critics backed off out of fear of a religious back lash or felt it would make the film even more popular.
in a way I wish I could sue because I thought of a modern film about Jesus about 20 years ago. the film would have been Dark and slightly futuristic. Perhaps in a Orwellian/ Huxely sort of way. But he wasn't Black, I guess this wasn't important to me. the Jesus I would have chose is the guy who could play him the best. all races would have beeen able to audition including a woman if that be the case. It looks like this is a film looking a for a specific demographic which is black people and white people who are looking for something to be mad about.
having said that. this movie maybe may be a critical and box office success but I don't care. because I'm tired of everyone trivializing Jesus. If he was real or not, black or white or whether or not he was married to mary magdalin. not even sure I spelled that right? All l these details seem to pervert or even down play probably an important person who transformed many peoples conciousness both spiritually and politcally. And everyone wants to argue the details. This is a shame.
Nobody ever debates buddha's existence or what color he was or whether if he was fat or skinny. and the reason why is that Buddhists except Buddha is all things to all buddhists. Buddhists don't kill other buddhists over details. It just isn't done. it just doesn't make sense.
In case your wondering if this is written from a Christian perspective? No It's not, niether Atheistic or sceptical.
It's coming from a perspective from a person who has given up any spiritual expression, Thats Any thing demands more of your time to proclaim yourself or to label yourself as something, to differentiate yourself from another person. I have given up a long time ago of what I should except just be myself, and if there is a god whatever It is? then perhaps this being which We can never know, perhaps can guide me in the right direction that is for me.
Another aspect where I feel this movie fails in concept alone is that Once we apply race and Gender to a higher power we reinforce the archaic notion of a white male dominated society, and any film that tries to counter attack with a new view on this tired old subject is destined to suffer from the same stale drab formula as the latter.
White Jesus was so five minutes ago, Black Jesus now, then ten years down the road. Chinese Jesus is Cool and Black Jesus is hung out to dry like yesterdays Boxer Shorts. Okay Boxer shorts is a bad description. but I couldn't think of anything else. sorry.
posted Friday, 20 January 2006
Indiana Jones part 4
I Posted this on Cinematical movie blog
I liked the series very much. I believe we should never wait 20 yearsfor a sequel. this insatallamant should have been made much earlier.not that I think harrison isn't up to the challenge. there are othercrucial characters who work with Indy. are they still alive? also isthis going heavily blue screened like movies today. remember the lastmovie the stunts and settings where real.I hope you don'tforget about that.
posted Friday, 20 January 2006
Top Phrase
Mea Culpa is the phrase I keep hearing the past couple of days.
We should use it everyday of our lives.
laughing out loud!!!! ooops I mean LOL
posted Thursday, 19 January 2006
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