Review of 100 Selected Poems by E. E. Cummings

Review of 100 Selected Poems by E. E. Cummings
at first I liked this book, some of the poems which are numbered and not titled, are some of the strangest ones I've read. the avant gardeness of it all really is a joy. but later it loses its punch with me. I would like to add that why most editors or poetry publications are sticklers for punctuation and grammer, and yet here is a guy, breaking all these rules. And we and everyone else have to adhere to strict and rediculous guidelines.
over all this book is okay. which may be blasphemous to Cummings Fans. if they are out there? please don't write me if you are because I really don't care one way or the other. he's ok and thats all I got to say about that. I will however point out that womens hairy vagina is a real turn on for E.E Cummings, in fact he refers to it as Electric.
posted Wednesday, 22 March 2006
three Bee Dreams in one day
I am walking in my parents yard, there are Dandylions i see bees on them. i wake up then I a dream a similiar dream to that one. then I dream of someone saying Look out for bees at the bottom of the swimming Pool
this is odd because I only dream of about bees once in a blue moon when something is about to happen. I will keep you posted about the signficance.
posted Thursday, 16 March 2006
Day before Funeral
todays meeting of in-laws the only people who genuinely speak to me was the one who see's electricity, the man with one arm, the man who thinks he looks like john wayne. and a women whose name was Snookie.
posted Thursday, 16 March 2006
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