Thursday, May 25, 2006

The President has No Balls

The President has No Balls

perhaps right now the only thing that could save or redeam mr Bush, is the capture of Osama Bin Laden. which I predict will happen within a week to a month. and thats only because right now bush looks like a moron in the public eye. everyone from the left and right are looking at him a bit funny. I'm sure other people have said this better than could but I'm still adding my two cents.

the republicans have a war on terrorism, supposedly and yet there haven't been any in the united states sincwe 2001. There were rumors of possible threats but none so far. We have color coded threats and nothing has ever gone beyond yellow accept orange and still nobody cares. We even just found a couple of weeks ago that a terrorist attack in Los Angeles and yet we just found this out. If this were true where are the suspects? Why wasn't the govenor of california nortified. why wasn't the mayor of los angelos notified? In fact even he wanted to know that himself. I believe this was just a lie. there were no threats because if there were the republicans wiould have used this as an example of the dangers we are in. for years i have been wondering where are all the terrorists?

Another question that comes to mind. Probably like most americans i had just found out that our ports are own by the chinese and british. I did not know that. I Want to know who made that deal possible?

I also would like to point out. If we are in a war against terrrorism, and the most likely suspect in most americans minds, are Arabs. if Mr Bush is so Gung ho about this Port deal then more than likely it's because he knows the whole thing was a hoax. he knows the terrorists aren't as tiightly knit as previously thought. perhaps he knows the hijacking was the best thing they could do. thats all they had up their sleaves. maybe george and his corporate goon squads knew this and saw this as their chance to go after Sadam.

This really didn't go well as planned as most of you people know. So now with this Katrina mess coming to fruition, Oil crisis and even more katrina Woes, and now the ownership of Ports. it just seems the whole thing is piling up on him, so Now he's in Pakistan Strutting his stuff. If Osama Bin Laden is found. I now give it A month tops.

I'm not psychic i told my wife, come Election year that Gas prices will go down an average of $1.65 around the

Ohio Ky Indiana area, and nationally $1.85

it looks like this won't happen.. We'll See won't we? But I think It's a little to late to for Mr. Bush to prove he has Balls. he should have proven that in 2001

posted Friday, 3 March 2006


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