Scattern Poems Kerouac

Review of Scattered Poems (City Lights Pocket Poets Series).
Yes this collection is very scattered, so far it's okay in the sense it's not very focused. can't really say its a collection well thought out. it's still worth the read. there were many peaks and vallies with this one I Liked the one about rimbuad. which makes me want to check his stuff out. perhaps later. to be honest I like his other poems much better. I guess when you read these You really have to focus on the meter and rythm to actually enjoy them.
posted Wednesday, 22 March 2006
moog made this comment,
im so glad that there are other people out there who read jacks stuff, i love him!! he is all about rhythmn and flow.
comment added :: 28th March 2006, 13:13 GMT ::
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