666 the Omen

Ok 666 some of you Morons out there are cringing and squirming in your seats dreading the sixth day the sixth month and the sixth year scenario aren't you? some of you dreading the end of the world aren't you? God what a pathetic loser you are! how do you live with yourself feeling the way you do?
how does it feel knowing that retarded people are smarter than you?
Well your gonna be disappointed just like you were at Y2K, I bet you were sitting in your bunker/basement with water, food supplies, and holy water and a King James Bible to fend off the Satanic robots coming to gobble up your little girl?
and now We have a stupid remake of the classic The Omen already for your consumption. personally I have been avoiding remakes of movies I have already seen. the Director of this remake is John Moore who basically has only three movies under his belt, which one was also remake of a classic, and his first was really bad war movie. So with that in mind I'm not expecting a great film to spring forth from this guy. I do however predict in the midst of really bad movies this summer. this will bump a very weak film which is Break Up. with Aniston and Vaughn
People are gonna flock to this movie hoping for a thrill based on the calender date 6.6.06 which the film PR people are using in this campaign.
I just want to say Fuck you People, for being dumb enough, fuck you for being superstitious and Fuck you in caving in to one of the biggest Religious Cons in the World. Fuck You and Fuck You, and Fuck You!!!
If your dumb enough to believe the hype of such a preposterous superstitious beliefs system
Then Fuck Your ignorant Puppet ways!!! You deserve to be slave to any monster or beast that lurks inside your retarded heart. Fuck You!!!!
Your not good enough to know that 666 was the sign of Nero. You not smart enough to know this so Fuck you, Fuck WAD!!!
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