Bubba Ho-Tep Review

Bubba Ho-Tep, A major disappointment for an independant film ossie Davis was the only person I cared about in the whole movie. he's a Seasoned pro, and diserves more recognition then he has
As for Mr Bruce Campbell its more then likely he'll stay in the ranks of loser pseudo Independant film star. especially with is attitude with his fans which he makes fun of them for being a fan of anything.
I know its funny but sometimes people are such loser that being a fan of anything is the only thing keeping them together or sane as they possibly could be. he of all people should know this. he should be more respectful of his fans then he is. I saw him in action at a book signing. Instead of enoying the festiveness of his fans he talks to them like their idiots in a friendly manner. Mr Campbell is dick.
this piece of crap Bubba Ho-Tep lacked the heart it pretends to have and I don't know why critics raved about it. Again Ossie Davis was the only life this film could have possibly have.
This is the worst Elvis Joke in the world
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