Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mr Vampire 2

Mr Vampire 2/ Amityville horror reviews

I saw several movies.Because of the company I was with We had to Skip out on Sideways because to be honest, this was quite boring. a romantic comedy about Wine lovers just didn't tickle my sophisticated funny bone. I do like Paul Giamati but this was a snoozer.Mr Vampire 2. In some respects far exceeds Mr. Vampire is all out sillyness. but I likedboth films on similar levels. the vampire child making friends with a little girl was just Fucking Adorable. the hijinks was just over the top. Despite it seemed more of a kiddie flick than the first one, It was okay with me.
Amityville Horror: I can only redeam myself by saying that My wife made me see this piece of shit. i wouldn't go on my own recognisance if you paid me. This movie really sucked ASS. The scares where total cheap. The Mother of the 3 children was way too atractive and young to be the mother, and manage to have such a killer body. Some of the stuff was a rip off of other movies and they stretched the whole thing out to make it more exciting. Why the Fuck would anyone remake this movie?potential horror Remakes they should think about making, Because they don't have the talent to make a their own Horror film Classics..

Attack of the Killers Tomatoes, The Toxic Avenger, C.H.U.D. My Bloody Valentine, Surf Nazi's Must Die, Left Behind with Kirk Cameron. I hate Kirk Cameron!!!!the original Amityville Horror, when I saw this at the drive in.... God I must have been eight years old. and let me tell you it was not hard to scare the Living crap out of me.

I remember I had a pack of Candy Ciggerettes. Pall Mall to be exact. anyway I was prentending to be smoking like I thought I was an 8 year old Bad Ass. One scene was so scarey. The little girl was speaking to "Jody" We the audience could not see her. but the Rocking chair was rocking back and fourth back and fourth. then the mother comes in wonder who she was talking too. Jody left the room and went out the winddow. the mother goes to the window and Jody's Eyes where glowing red and flicking on and off, on and off. I was so shocked that my Candy Ciggerette just fell out of my mouth as I gasped in fright.I told my wife next time when these idiots remake a classic film could we please not watch it. She said yes but I have my doubts. My Last comment about this garbage.

Avoid Amityville Horror remake At all Costs!!!!


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