Tokyo Fist Review
Review of Tokyo Fist
Plot Synopsis: A businessman, Tsuda, runs into a childhood friend, Tajuki, on the subway. Tajuki is working as a semiprofessional boxer. Tsuda soon begins to suspect that Tajuki might be having an affair with his fiance Hizuru. After an altercation, Tsuda begins training rigorously himself, leading to an extremely bloody, violent confrontation.
Shinya Tsukamoto is slowly becoming one of my favorite directors. he takes things I find so ordinary and make them unordinary. Like Boxing I don't care much about sports but he took something so plain and twisted it around to create a warped film about three people. who are sexually warped sado masochists. Lots of crazy stuff going here. Brilliantly filmed, masterfully desolate, and romantically bleak.
posted Wednesday, 8 February 2006
ASS In Mouth Disease
A bad concept I invented last year
I call it Ass in Mouth Disease.
Two people connected ass cheek to ass cheek, takes a crap into each others Ass.
Back and forth back and Forth, until the turd realises it can't go on any futher with this back and forth stuff. the turd falls out of whoevers Ass, onto the floor. A goat Eats it, and then dies from Ecoli. within 24 hours maggots and other unlpleasantries eat whats left of the goat. as the goat rots on the floor the two gentleman eat the rotting corpse, until they throw up into each others mouth. But wait. the ecoli causes one of the guy to get the hershey squarts. But he holds it because he has to work at Taco Bell or the walllart snack stand. as he enters the store. His pants begin to foam, and exploding into the kitchen. which splats all over the food. To which they continue to serve to the customers. as each customer takes a bite of nice juicy burger. they become infected with a lethal dose of ASS In Mouth Disease
posted Thursday, 26 January 2006
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