The Gospel according to Philip K Dick

The Gospel according to Philip K Dick
first viewing this documentary I couldn't help but notice how cheap it was. but soon realized how this was more fan driven, and was done with a level of dedication and seriousness. i was worried they were going to talk badly about him. Most disappoiting there really is no footage of him only audio samples.over all I liked it despite not having learned anything new. And I'm glad I got to hear his voice. Philip k dick was one the most important writers in my younger days.
I felt better reading his books. Most notably VALIS got me through an emotional period in my life. I felt it was a warning to me , so I was prepared for the worse. Needless to say I survived.
Books I am reading now.
Dr Blood money by Philip K Dick
Book of Dreams Jack Kerouac
The Atrocity Exhibition by J. G. Ballard
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